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You can now register for COVID-19 vaccination in Nigeria and here's how

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The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) says Nigerians would now be able to enlist for COVID-19 inoculation on its site.

Around 4,000,000 portions of AstraZeneca COVID-19 immunization are expected in Nigeria this week, Tuesday, March 2, 2021, following endorsement by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).


Nigerians who need pokes of the antibody can enlist on the wellbeing organization's foundation.


"To enlist for #COVID19 Vaccination, visit our site http://nphcda.gov.ng and click on 'Coronavirus Vaccination e-enrollment. #YesToCOVID19Vaccine," the organization says on its Twitter page.


Heartbeat has, anyway, seeing that the site is indefensibly sluggish or doesn't stack at all after a few endeavors. Most web-based media clients have additionally affirmed that the site isn't stacking on their closures.


There have been 155,657 affirmed instances of COVID-19 in Nigeria, 133,768 recuperations, and 1,907 fatalities since the list case were first announced in February of 2020, as per the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC).


Lagos is the focal point of COVID-19 contaminations in Nigeria, with 55,728 detailed cases as of February 28, 2021


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