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Lawyer nigeria

How to Find a Lawyer in Nigeria: A Guide for Expats

How to Find a Lawyer in Nigeria: A Guide for Expats

Nigerian law is one of the most complex areas in Nigeria. It is difficult to navigate without a lawyer, and even more so for an expatriate. This blog post will give you advice on how to find a Nigerian lawyer that can help you with your needs.

Nigeria has many lawyers who are qualified to handle cases in any area of the law, but finding them can be tough when they have no online presence or are not registered with the Law Society of Nigeria (LSN). The LSN website does provide contact information for Nigerian lawyers, but it's also worth researching individual lawyers before contacting them directly as it may take some time before they respond. Keep in mind that there are plenty of fraudulent individuals claiming to be legal


Finding Lawyers in Nigeria

The best way to find lawyers is to contact your friends, contacts or family back in the UK. Find out if they know anyone who does legal work in Nigeria, or if there are Nigerian lawyers living in the UK who can help you with your needs.


If you've done your research, and you've found a potential lawyer that seems to fit your needs, send an email or call the number provided. Your lawyer will be the first to hear of your transaction, and will follow up with you to ensure that everything is going well. It's important to discuss everything with your lawyer first, including where you're staying, who you're meeting with, and other possible scams.


It's always better to use a lawyer when you're unsure about anything, so use caution when deciding whether or not to meet with the lawyer.


Do Your Research Before Hiring A Lawyer

Research any lawyer you are considering by visiting their websites or looking them up on LinkedIn. If possible, speak to other people you know who have used them for a recommendation, so you have a better idea of whether or not they work in your area of the law and can help you. Also, ask for references and speak to the previous clients of the firm.


Start by visiting the websites of the lawyers you have researched. Some may have a specific practice area or specializations, while others may list their specialties in general, i.e. general, commercial, criminal or immigration.


Read their “How to Use” sections to get a sense of their approach and what they specialize in. You may want to call them to discuss the firm's service or what they can offer you, in person or by phone.


What to Expect When Hiring a Nigerian Lawyer

In the country you reside, you are entitled to request a lawyer to help you with any legal matter that your family or company have. This includes, but is not limited to, dealing with the public affairs of the country, bankruptcy, taxes, property division, private disputes, company


hood, marriage, child custody, family matters, custody issues, and wills. It is important that you take your time and do your research, as there is nothing worse than hiring a lawyer who's not qualified to practice in the country that you're in.


If you're interested in finding a Nigerian lawyer in Lagos or anywhere else, and you're not willing to spend a lot of money, there are many individuals who have established themselves as "locals" who provide services.



This is only a guide and not a definitive list of every lawyer you will find in Nigeria, but it is a starting point for establishing a firm legal network in the country. I have personally hired a number of Nigerian lawyers as I chose to live in Abuja after relocating there in 2014. I have used them for a variety of legal needs including divorce, wills, employment issues, immigration, contracts, property acquisition, insurance, immigration, family law, tax and criminal law. Each has different requirements and fees, so please discuss all your specific needs with your lawyer before hiring. The outcome is worth the cost.



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