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What Is Nigeria Known For? 10 Interesting Facts

What Is Nigeria Known For? 10 Interesting Facts

Nigeria is a country in West Africa and it's known for many things. Nigerian food is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. Nigeria is also home to some of the largest oil reserves and has its own space program.

The population of Nigeria is 186 million people, with only about 45% living below poverty line. The life expectancy rate averages 59 years old, which is what you would expect from a developing country that doesn't have access to good healthcare or clean water.

Section 1: What is Nigeria known for

1. Nigeria is Famous for...Nigerian food Nigerian cuisine is famous all over the world, and many people credit the Nigerian dishes to the country's large immigrant population. Nigerian food ranges from the popular rice and stew known as 'Egusi', to the pepper soup known as 'Ife'. In the capital city of Lagos, there are markets where people from all over the world come to buy food and other items.


2. The Nigerian people are very Lively and lively people The Nigerian people are known to be fun and free spirited. They are not a very religious people but they are close to God. Some Nigerians are professional wrestlers, while others are professional singers.


3. Nigerian food makes up 10% of all restaurant sales worldwide


4.Nigeria has the second highest GDP growth rate among emerging economies


Nigeria's History

Nigeria was founded by the British in 1914, and today, it's considered one of the most important countries in Africa. In the past, the British had built military bases in the north of the country to keep control of the African slave trade.


The north was known as "Black Africa". It's also known as "the Slave Coast" because of its big role in the slave trade. But by the end of the 19th century, after the American Civil War and the end of slavery, the British troops were pulled out of the area.


The northern region still has an important place in Nigerian history because of its contribution to the country's independence. In 1960, the north finally declared independence from the south. The northern region made a "concession" which let it control oil reserves.


Nigerian Culture

The country is mainly dominated by Muslim traditions, but there are also cultural elements from Christianity and other backgrounds.


Nigeria is an Islamic country, making up 74% of the total population. If you are an atheist in Nigeria, you may have a hard time. Many government and commercial establishments prohibit you from conducting religious ceremonies. Some of these businesses even charge an arm and a leg for the services.


If you are a Christian, you can practice your religion as much as you want. You can even attend church services with your fellow atheists and discuss religion openly.


In Nigeria, it's socially accepted to cover up your head when you are in public.


Nigerian Cuisine

-Nigerian food is known for its diversity and rich blend of African flavours. Dinnertime in Nigeria is always a fun time because of the exotic and different local dishes served. For an authentic African food experience, try our different types of palm oil, our popular Nigerian rice (Ikoyi and Arugula), our yam fufu, or our groundnuts or plantain chips.


South Africa


South Africa is the 9th most populated country in the world, with about 50 million people. The most popular sport in South Africa is rugby, which is the third most popular sport in the world. The average age in South Africa is 28 years old, making the country one of the youngest in the world. The main occupation of South African citizens is agriculture and mining.


The Economy of Nigeria

The economy of Nigeria is reliant on oil and gas. The oil sector is the primary source of employment in Nigeria.


Nigeria is classified as a developing country. While the economy has grown moderately in the last years, inflation in Nigeria is extremely high.


In a recent World Bank report Nigeria was ranked 106 out of 119 countries for economic freedom.


Nigeria is known as the world's worst place to be born as it's in the bottom ten places for life expectancy, infant mortality rate, teenage pregnancies and adult obesity.


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The REAL Side of Nigeria


It has the highest infant mortality rate in the world. This means the risk of dying as a child is more than 200 times greater than in developed countries.


Over 40% of children die before the age of 5.


Healthcare in Nigeria

Healthcare in Nigeria isn't adequate and about 14.3% of the population of Nigeria don't have access to healthcare.


The number one hospital in Nigeria is the University College Hospital (UCH), located in Ibadan and Lagos. One of the world's oldest operating hospitals, it first opened in 1860 in Oyo.


The Nigerian health system suffers from long wait times, poor staffing and underfunded state hospitals.


Education in Nigeria


Only 37% of Nigerian children finish elementary school education by the age of 10 and only 3% by the age of 13. Children from poor families may be denied access to education.


Only 44% of Nigerian men and 23% of women have completed secondary school.


Nigerian healthcare facilities


Nigeria is known for the lack of healthcare facilities in the country.



Nigeria has many things to offer. It has a warm welcome, a great culture, and a good economy. It's an amazing place with beautiful landscapes and amazing people.


It's a great place to explore and you won't regret it.






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