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Uba nigeria

UBA offers N2.5 million for PoS use

To further encourage e-payments, Pan-African financial services group, United Bank for Africa (UBA), has announced that it will reward 25 lucky customers with N100,000 each, for making payments with their UBA cards through its Point of Sale (PoS) terminals at any merchant location.

The promo is scheduled to run till December 31, and after repeated use, customers will be automatically enlisted for the draw when the total sum of payments they have made on UBA POS terminals exceeds N50,000. A total of illion is up for grabs.

Speaking during the launch, Group Head, Cards, Dr Yinka Adedeji, explained that the Promo is in line with the bank’s initiatives of rewarding its loyal customers.

He said: “We believe it is time we rewarded our customers who have been very loyal over the years. Without them, we probably would not have made the giant strides attained all over the years and in recent times.“Because customers are at the heart of what we do, we remain committed to consistently improving customer service and delighting our loyal customers as we help them grow.”

UBA is one of Africa’s leading banks with operations in 20 African countries and in London, and New York, with presence in Paris. It provides banking services to more than 15 million customers globally, through diverse channels and over a thousand touch points.



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