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Nigeria for women project

The Nigeria For Women Project: A New Way to Fight Poverty

The Nigeria For Women Project: A New Way to Fight Poverty

Nigerian women are often overlooked in the fight against poverty. The Nigeria For Women Project is an initiative that aims to provide Nigerian women with skills and training so they can work their way out of poverty. It's our goal to empower Nigerian woman with knowledge about how to create sustainable income through education, healthcare, home-making skills, entrepreneurship and more. Join us as we help change lives by giving these women the tools they need for a brighter future!


Section 1: The Nigeria For Women Project

Executive Briefing


What is the Nigeria For Women Project?


The Nigeria For Women Project is an initiative that aims to provide Nigerian women with skills and training so they can work their way out of poverty. It's our goal to empower Nigerian woman with knowledge about how to create sustainable income through education, healthcare, home-making skills, entrepreneurship and more. Join us as we help change lives by giving these women the tools they need for a brighter future!


Research & Assessment


The Nigeria For Women Project will be conducted in Nigeria. All survey participants are carefully selected and we are conducting extensive research to ensure our findings can be fully trusted.


Nigerian women need more opportunities

In the first twenty years of her life, 21-year-old Asa Obateru was never even told that she could become anything other than a young, married woman. She married when she was seventeen and had six children. Her father died when she was just seventeen, and she struggled to care for her family. She dropped out of school when she was twelve to take care of her younger siblings. And then she had another baby to take care of.


Asa Obateru today:


She said:


"If I had the opportunity and I knew there were schools where I could be trained, and that they had support for pregnant women and single mothers, I could have gone to school. I didn't know that, I didn't have any idea. No one told me."


When Asa became pregnant again, she got married again.


Nigeria For Women Project Goals



What is the Nigeria For Women Project?

The Nigeria For Women Project (NFP) was launched by LADOL, a Shell-backed business, in October 2015. The Nigeria For Women Project is aimed at empowering Nigerian women in their business and home-making skills so that they can support themselves, their families, and their communities. In order to do this, the NFP offers local women business training and entrepreneurship opportunities by partnering with local and international experts. Additionally, the NFP helps those who are already running a business but want additional support to reach out to women in their local communities to gain additional support and access to resources.


NFP: a home for all women


As a Nigerian for Women, you will receive access to your community's qualified and vetted local and international mentors and trainers.


How can you help?

1) Donate Today! We still have some space left for our Table 4 Hero donations, please donate today so more women can receive the training they need to improve their lives!


2) Share this page with your friends and family, and encourage them to donate too.


3) Share this page with your social networks.


4) Join our social media communities – check us out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!


Instagram: @nefwedipproject


Twitter: @nefwedipproject


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fundngr/




To date, all funds have been provided by the individuals and organizations that partnered with us, as well as by our donors.


On the 30th of September, we received our first contribution from Imazink and Eventbrite. They generously donated their ad space to help promote the project in Nigeria.



As we said, the chance to connect with you and hear about what inspired you to start your business was pretty cool. Our readers have one of the biggest role to play in the startup space—just look at the growth of crowdfunding over the past couple of years. If you have a great idea, then there's absolutely nothing stopping you from taking it from prototype to actual product.


All that's required is a willingness to put in the work, and the amount of work it takes to build a viable startup is immense. So, when you find something you're really passionate about, put the work in, and don't give up. You have a shot to do what you love.



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