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Man condemned to death by hanging for armed theft


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On Wednesday, an Abeokuta High Court condemned a 33-year-elderly person, Ibrahim Toyin, to death by hanging for ransacking a lady of her handbag at gunpoint.

Equity Ayokunle Rotimi-Balogun conveying her judgment held that all the proof offered had persuaded the court past a sensible uncertainty that Ibrahim submitted the offenses as charged.

She, in this way, condemned Ibrahim to death by hanging.

Before the preliminary, the police had accused Ibrahim of two checks verging on the trick and furnished burglary.

In any case, Ibrahim argued not liable to the offenses when he was at first charged.

At the preliminary, the Prosecution Counsel, Mrs. Margret Sodeke, had told the court that Ibrahim submitted the offenses on Aug. 26, 2012, at about 10:00 p.m., at Powerline intersection, Sabo zone of Sagamu.

She said that Ibrahim and others still everywhere planned and burglarized one Titilayo Eniola of her handbag containing some essential things.

Sodeke clarified that when the complainant was coming from her shop at around 10 p.m., on the said date, Ibrahim, with others now everywhere, halted her and pointed a privately made gun at her.

She clarified that Ibrahim carried off the complainant's handbag containing: N15, 000 money, ATM cards, a Holy Bible, and different resources.

She said that Ibrahim was captured by specific individuals from the Oodua People's Congress (OPC) at the violation location.

She added that he was found with a privately made weapon and two cartridges.

Sodeke, notwithstanding, said that the offenses repudiated Sections 6(b) and 1(2) ( a) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act, Cap. Rll, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

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