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High speed wireless broadband internet in ghana

How To Get Fast Internet Access in Ghana: A Guide to the Best Providers

How To Get Fast Internet Access in Ghana: A Guide to the Best Providers

Getting internet access in Ghana can be difficult, especially if you do not know the best way to go about it. There are a number of different providers for this service. This blog post is going to cover what you need to know about getting fast and reliable internet access in Ghana so that you can make an informed decision on which provider would be best suited for your needs.


Section 1: Understanding the Different Types of Internet Available in Ghana

Some internet providers offer you a way to get a fast internet connection, while some do not. Here are some of the types of internet available in Ghana.


Telecommunication Data Services – This kind of service will allow you to go online via a modem connection with them. You have to either pay for your own modem or you can get it free from them. This can be a little slow, but it will allow you to access a lot of sites. Some of the sites you can access are YouTube, Facebook, Skype, Gmail, and other such websites.


Local Internet Access – This kind of internet access is the type that all of us can access here in Ghana. You can go to your nearest MTN store or with your current mobile network provider and get a quick internet connection with them.


The Best Providers for Getting Fast Internet Access

The top three internet service providers in Ghana are MTN, Vodafone and Bharti Airtel. These three companies offer internet access to millions of subscribers in Ghana. If you want to get internet access in Ghana from any of these providers, it would be easy for you to do so. All you need to do is call up your preferred provider and ask for their quote. If you have a Vodafone SIM, for instance, you can simply call the number on their sim and they will give you an estimate for the cost of acquiring that. You will be required to pay a deposit of GHc 200 and another deposit of GHc 500 if the connection you are getting is not of the premium/premium quality that you have chosen.

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The Best Ways to Get Internet Access in Ghana

First, you need to be aware of all the different options that are available.


1. Developed Countries – the US and the UK have reliable internet access. However, you need a stable Internet connection to be able to stream films and play games. Plus, the bandwidth is very limited in developed countries, so you can expect very slow connections.


2. Developing Countries – Third world countries have better Internet access. These countries have large bandwidth and are very close to world leaders in technology. Many people get Internet access in third world countries through mobile phones. You can go to any shop or street vendor and find a mobile phone and mobile broadband hotspot. These costs a lot less than the typical international providers.



The choice of internet access provider in Ghana is very important because this determines which services you get. Each provider has its own unique features, with all offering different ways to get fast internet access. The service is therefore important and should not be taken for granted.

Register here to see if we could offer you High Speed Wireless Broadband Internet in Ghana



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