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Gains in highcap stocks lift capitalisation by n356 billion

Gains in highcap stocks lift capitalisation by N356 billion

Following additions recorded by most exceptionally promoted (high cap) stocks, exchanges on the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) turned around bad feelings to shut in an energetic yesterday as market capitalization valued by N356 billion. 

At the end of exchanging, the All-Share Index (ASI) acquired 679.72 supreme focuses, addressing the development of 1.75 per cent to close at 39,461.20 focuses. Essentially, the general market capitalization esteem rose by N356 billion to close at N20.652 trillion. 

The upturn was driven by value appreciation in medium and huge promoted stocks, including Dangote Cement, MTN Nigeria Communication (MTNN), Okomu Oil, Julius Berger, and Ekocorp Plc. 

Examiners at Afrinvest Limited said:" We anticipate that the market should support the positive exhibition in the last exchanging meeting of the week." As estimated by market broadness, market estimation was positive as 24 stocks acquired, comparative with 18 failures. 

Fidson Healthcare and Julius Berger recorded the most exorbitant cost gain of 10% each, to close at N5.28 kobo and N20.90 kobo. At the same time, Ekocorp followed with an addition of 9.26 per cent to close at N5.90 kobo. 

Solidified Hallmark Insurance rose by 9.09 per cent to close at a day and a half, while Royal Exchange valued by 8.89 per cent to close at 49 kobos. Then again, Computer Warehouse Group drove the failures' outline by 9.84 per cent to close at N2.29 kobo. Shared Benefits Assurance followed with a decrease of 7.50 per cent to close at 37 kobos, while FBN Holdings (FBNH) shed 6.76 per cent to close at N6.90 kobo. 

Wapic Insurance shed 3.85 per cent to close at 50 kobos, while Honeywell Flour Mill deteriorated by 3.76 per cent to close at N1.28 kobo. The absolute volume of exchanges expanded by 4.3 per cent to 270.682 million units, esteemed at N2.031 billion and traded in 3,897 arrangements. 

Exchanges in the FBN Holdings (FBNH) portions beat the action graph with 51.524 million offers esteemed at N359.827 million. Transnational Corporation of Nigeria (Transcorp) followed 42.465 million offers worth N40.023 million, while Ekocorp exchanged 20 million offers esteemed at N118.003 million. 

Sovereign Trust Insurance exchanged 18.012 million offers esteemed at N4.203 million, while Access Bank executed 16.691 million offers worth 122.154 million.

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