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Digital bank unveils revolutionary app

Digital bank unveils revolutionary app

A recently settled computerized bank, Aladdin Digital Bank, has built up an advanced application to consider the necessities of a broad scope of clients, including youthful experts.

As indicated by an assertion by its Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Darlington Onyeagoro, Aladdin "flawlessly consolidates banking and trade to help your hustle by giving you the instruments you need to save, get, make installments while offering your items and administrations to different individuals on the stage."

He clarified that the application, dispatched with over 10,000+ downloads on Google Play Store, has been depicted as a progressive application by driving specialists in the fintech business.

"Our group can draw in the market ladies or others in the public arena and help them get a good deal on the App and assist them with partaking the Aladdin economy. Thus, we have our group in various pieces of Lagos, just as different states, to accomplish this consistent interaction," he said.

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