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Kenya to nigeria

Comparing Kenya to Nigeria: Which of These Countries Is Better for Expats?

Comparing Kenya to Nigeria: Which of These Countries Is Better for Expats?

Kenyans are often asked if Nigeria is better than their own country. Many expats have expressed interest in moving to Kenya, but they are hesitant because of the stories about life in Nigeria. However, there are many differences between these two countries that make them both good and bad for expats. By comparing the pros and cons of each country, it's possible to determine which would be a better choice for you.


Section 1: What makes Kenya a good country for expats?



1. Affordable Housing


Housing is always an issue in the United States and other Western countries. It's sometimes hard to find a place to live in good condition or with an affordable rent. If you're an expat with limited income, you may be living in a small room and can't afford a comfortable apartment. In Kenya, there are a number of affordable housing options available. The catch is that you need to be able to speak English or at least a conversational level.


2. Education is Expensive


In most countries, it's necessary to have a higher level of education in order to pursue a career in the sciences, technology, and other professions. This may not be true in Kenya. For example, a degree in agriculture will be necessary in Nigeria, but not in Kenya.




What makes Nigeria a good country for expats?

There are many things that make Nigeria a great country for expats, including the fact that most expats love the weather, the people, and the food. You can also travel to many cities across the country, which make traveling to other countries a lot easier.


What makes Kenya a bad country for expats?


There are many things that make Kenya a poor country for expats, including the fact that it is not as easy as travelling to other countries. There are some areas of the country that are not easy to reach, and many expats do not know much about the locals. Many Kenyans view expats as thieves and sex offenders, so some expats may choose to stay in better neighborhoods.


What are the cons of Kenya?

Africa is a very diverse continent, with countries such as Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and Zambia. There are many pros to living in these countries but there are also a few cons to Kenya and other countries in Africa.


Expatriate's happiness is directly related to the local living conditions and job opportunities. Kenya is a safe and comfortable place for expats to live. However, this doesn't mean that there are no safety concerns. Human rights violations and criminal activities may become problems to expats.


One of the most popular expat destinations is Nairobi. Despite its size, Nairobi can be very crowded and this can make it difficult for expats to live here. It is also expensive.


What are the cons of Nigeria?

A common misconception about Nigeria is that it's similar to Kenya. Unfortunately, you'd be mistaken. The positives and negatives are majorly different. While Kenya is perfect for someone with work-life balance, Nigeria is most definitely not.


Nigeria is a very big country with many unique cultures. The food is mostly spicy, the culture is very different, and most expats who move there feel like they're living in another country. The fact that there is plenty to do in Nigeria is a big plus, but it's not perfect. Expats who work in Nigeria experience a lot of turbulence. Just like they do in Kenya, the workers are often attacked for not paying their taxes or making workers work without a contract.


Pros of Kenya


Kenya has a great range of wildlife.


Should I move to Kenya or Nigeria?

Nigeria is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but that growth has not been all positive. Nigerians experience issues of overcrowding, environmental pollution, and the high cost of living. In Nigeria, the population of over 180 million people makes for massive congestion and unplanned cities, and poor living conditions in many regions of the country.


Meanwhile, Kenya, with a population of about 44 million people, is considered a safe country for expats. Kenya's biggest benefit for expats is the low crime rate and the low population. Kenya also has a large, thriving expat community because of its tropical climate and fantastic tourist attractions.


Picking between Kenya or Nigeria for your next move is not an easy decision.



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