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Nigeria paypal

Can Nigeria Use PayPal? How to Get a Nigerian PayPal Account

Can Nigeria Use PayPal? How to Get a Nigerian PayPal Account

Nigeria is a large, developing country in Western Africa. Making up over 170 million people and the most populous African country, Nigeria has been growing at an exponential rate. With such growth comes many opportunities for Nigerians to make money online with platforms like PayPal! In this blog post, I will cover how Nigerians can use PayPal to receive payments from international customers as well as how they can create their own Nigerian PayPal account if they want to start receiving payments from Nigeria.

Nigerian Entrepreneurs: You don't need a bank account or credit card in order to get started on one of the most popular e-commerce websites today - eBay!

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Section 1: Nigeria's PayPal Restrictions

As a new user to PayPal, PayPal tells you that you have to have a bank account or credit card in order to start using their service. This means that you can't just pay anyone with a debit card, but you can pay people who don't even have a PayPal account yet. On the other hand, because you have to have a bank account, PayPal gives you access to the world's largest payments processing network. You have to pay someone by going to their home country (like in the United States) or their PayPal account in order to receive your money. Therefore, you may want to start your business in your country or your country of residence.


For example, if you're from the United States you can't open an account in Nigeria. You can however get a PayPal account in the United States if you're already a customer.


How Nigerians can get a PayPal account

The first thing to note about Nigerian PayPal account is that you do not need to provide any kind of identification, such as a passport or birth certificate. So if you're not worried about getting caught by the police, or if you're an entrepreneur with some trouble running your PayPal account, this may be the option for you.


Nigerians who use PayPal have the option to sign up for PayPal on their own, but for the sake of convenience, you can also go through the PayPal website and set up an account on your own. You can find the PayPal site here.


If you do go through the PayPal site, do not forget to choose a name other than your birth name as it will not be used.


What is a Nigerian PayPal account?

The main purpose of PayPal for Nigerians is to make sending payments to and from other countries super easy! Nigerian Entrepreneurs can send payments to countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and even Dubai. With PayPal, Nigerians can send money to anyone all around the world via a website or mobile application.


Nigerian Entrepreneurs need a PayPal account to process payments. Many Nigerians that operate eBay business have eBay Pay as a way to receive payments from customers around the world. PayPal will help your Nigerian business grow.


Getting a PayPal account in Nigeria


Open a free PayPal account in Nigeria


When Nigerians first sign up for a PayPal account, they have to be issued a virtual payment account number which is usually similar to a credit or debit card number.


Why do Nigerians need a Nigerian PayPal account?

PayPal's Nigerian account service allows online businesses to receive payments from international customers. It's also a great opportunity for new entrepreneurs to get started in online business without a lengthy paperwork process to do business in a foreign country. However, since PayPal's service is still new and few people are aware of it, you can't yet take advantage of it.


What are the disadvantages of using PayPal?


To receive money from foreign customers, the owner of the business has to register a PayPal account. It is not enough to have a business name as a registered company in Nigeria. You must register as an individual with PayPal to be able to start receiving payments from international customers from Nigeria.



For anyone looking to sell products online and have their products accepted in over 180 countries around the world, PayPal is one of the most reliable platforms out there. For anyone looking to buy products online and have their products accepted in over 180 countries around the world, eBay is one of the most reliable platforms out there. PayPal is an accepted payment method in over 180 countries around the world and has been approved by the Federal Bank of Nigeria (FBN) for real money transactions. PayPal can also be used in over 180 countries around the world for mobile payments! For more information on PayPal, click here.

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