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Nigeria home security camera

Best Estate Security in Nigeria: How To Protect Your Home and Family

Best Estate Security in Nigeria: How To Protect Your Home and Family

Nigeria is one of the African countries that has faced some challenges in the past few years. One of these challenges is crime, which includes home invasions and kidnappings. The best way to protect your family against this threat is by investing in estate security services. These are very important for Nigerian homes because they can provide you with peace of mind while also protecting your property, valuables, and loved ones from thieves. If you want to find out more about Nigeria's top-rated estate security companies, keep on reading!

Nigeria is a country with many issues at hand including but not limited to violence and theft due to high poverty rates within the population. Investing in an estate security company provides protection for both homeowners as well as the general public.

See JUMP's different security solutions for your home in Nigeria

Section 1: Crime Rates in Nigeria

Home invasion in Nigeria is the second most common crime in the country, and only behind kidnappings. According to the 2016 Police crime statistics from the year, there was a total of 36,192 cases of crime from 2014-2016, 4.5 per cent higher than 2015. However, when you look at different crimes, burglary and theft of residences have decreased. Property theft rates were 5,693 from 2014 to 2015, and 6,872 from 2015 to 2016, a decrease of 12.9 per cent. Home invasion, however, remains the most common crime. This is due to many Nigerians living in poverty and without any security measures in their homes or property.


The Importance of Estate Security

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to properly defend their home from criminals. Estate security companies are one of the most important factors that can provide protection for you and your loved ones. There is no such thing as being too safe anymore when it comes to your home or business. Estate security professionals have special equipment to prevent burglary, thefts, and home invasions. Here are a few of the things that they can use to defend your home and business:


Bullet Proof Doors


There is no reason to leave a door or window open, so investing in bullet proof doors is a good idea. It is possible to protect your home with a proper door that will stop bullets.


What You Should Look for in an Estate Security Company

There are many different estate security services available in Nigeria today. But when choosing the right one, you should always remember the following questions:


-How much is the company? Is the company affordable and in demand?


-How reliable is the company?


-What is their reputation within the industry?


-How knowledgeable is the company about the area that they are serving?


The most important step in selecting an estate security company is to find out the companies service quality. Many estate security companies that are trustworthy and provide the highest standard of service, are affordable. In addition, estate security companies that provide the best service to the people that they serve, are also in high demand and financially stable.



At the end of the day, estate security and security equipment are vital to keeping your property secure. Furthermore, they can provide additional security at schools, churches, and other public places, as well.


An estate security company can provide peace of mind to customers and also protect your property from theft. These security companies will offer various types of protection such as security guards, surveillance systems, and equipment.


You can rest assured that an estate security company will protect your property by using safety features that can alert police or security officials should there be a threat to your property. And if an intruder is caught on camera, you will be notified via an email notification or phone call.



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