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Travel & Tourism1 posts

Can I Travel to the US? Your Rights as a Nigerian Traveller

What You Need to Know About Visiting the US


Section 1 of the Visa Waiver Program states:


For states, the purpose of the application is to meet conditions set forth in section 2 for permanent residents seeking nonimmigrant travel. For states that do not meet conditions specified in section 2, the purpose of the application is to meet conditions set forth in section 1.


Section 1 of the Visa Waiver Program requires:


the applicant to be in possession of a valid United States passport valid for the purpose of travel or, if the applicant is a stateless person, a national identity document issued by a recognized country that has an Interpol member country as its country of issue or a document issued by an unrecognized country that has an Interpol member country as its country of issue.


Visa Requirements


Single Entry Entry Visa


Up to 30 days in one calendar year


From Niger Republic for single entry visitors and Gambia for two entry or one entry for transit purposes.


For Business or Political visas, you need at least 6 months. You can not apply for a Business/Political Visa or a Single entry visa in one day.


Entry Permit


Business permit


Be on Business permit for a period of 6 months or 2 months, whichever is longer. You can apply for a six months or a two months or a six month or three months or one month, whichever is longer. Business Permit applicant must be able to provide essential documents for approval. The applicant must include a letter of invitation from business place or organisation if relevant.

Other Important Things To Know


If you decide to travel, make sure you have all the visa requirements complete and filled up in front of you because you will be faced with many questions at immigration.


Can I take carry a small pruniture or sharp object?


No sharp objects except those used for personal care like razors, tweezers, scissors etc.


What if my body becomes poisonous?


It is best to flush any liquid poison out at the airport, but you may still apply a clean cloth over your face, wait for it to dry and then wash it off.


Why can't I carry water?


In Nigeria, you will not be allowed to carry water out of your duty free shops on international travels, but there are a lot of companies that sell over-the-counter products such as hand sanitizer, mist spray, and anti-bite gel.




What You Can Do


is the sixth leading cause of death among Nigerian youth. It is also responsible for some of the most preventable injury and death in the country. From traffic collisions, to train derailments, and falling from windows, to falls from height, falls are the leading cause of death for those under 50 years of age. Falls are also one of the leading causes of serious injuries and accidents among the Nigerian population.


The consequences of falls in Nigeria are dire. Even slight injuries could be fatal and have major implications on quality of life. However, it is not just the immediate results of a fall that is of concern to patients and families, but the aftermath of a fall as well.


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