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Technology & Science1 posts

iOS 13: Pros and Cons

Apple has finally made it easy to connect to a Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device though, Andriod users have been enjoying this convenience for years.

Andriod users have had the luxury of accessing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth options from pull down menus on their home screen, while Apple users previously had to tediously access their settings in order to do so. 

This new feature appears to be the only silver lining in the iOS 13 release; it has apparently been plagued with bugs and glitches! A newer update iOS 13.1 is supposedly in the works to be released between September 24th and 30th.

The currrent iOS 13 bugs include: Apps crashing, lagging camera app, cellular signals dropping, Airdrop and iMessage glitches, to name a few. 

There also appears to be some security issues, specifically, allowing the lockscreen to be bypassed to retrieve contact informaion. This process has been recorded by security researcher Jose Rodriguez and is viewable below.

Lastly, due to the reasons stated above and more, please hold off on updating your Apple OS until iOS 13.1 is released later this month!

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