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Controversy: Federal Government Warns Against Bob Risky

Nigeria's most popular transgendered female, Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky, has opened up about his childhood in a question and answer session with his fans on social media. By the same regard, the Nigerian Government has also issued a statement warning the public to be wary about Bobrisky and possible health risks. 

Identifying as female on social media but make in passport, Bob Risky's identity is particularly controversial, Some states in Nigeria hold strict policies aginst the LGBT community. In Kano, for example, an individual of the “male gender who acts, behaves or dresses in a manner which imitates the behavioural attitude of women shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction, be sentenced to one-year imprisonment or a fine of N10,000 or both”.

According to Bobrisky, in childhoodm he always had the full support of his mother: When I was small, I used to behave like a girl. So, my dad asked my mum why I was behaving like a girl and she said that was how she saw me. She said that is how I am and that nobody should judge me because I was still very small.” 

"So after my secondary school, I opened up to my mum that I would love to be a woman. At that time, my mum used to have plenty boyfriends. So, after I told her, she said I should be whoever I want to be and she would never judge me. After she died, things were a bit harder again because there was nobody to open up to." 

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