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#BeLikeNgoziChallenge: Nigerians reproduce Okonjo-Iweala's outfits via web-based media

The world, Nigerians specifically, is observing Ngozi Okonjo Iweala's striking arrangement as the new Director-General [DG] of the World Trade Organization [WTO].

Iweala, a previous Finance serve in Nigeria, was on Monday, February 15, 2021, affirmed as the first historically speaking lady and African to be the WTO's Director-General.

Nigerians are taking the festival up a score and with an Internet-style challenge made out of appreciation for the Nigerian financial analyst.

The possibility of the #BeLikeNgoziChallenge is straightforward. Reproduce the veteran's brand name outfit - an African print shirt, and a headgear styled in her brand name design. You get cool focuses on the event that you add eyeglasses.

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