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America: (Another) Woman Calls Police on Innocent Black Man

After the video went viral, a Amy Cooper, a New York  woman has apologized for her false report to the police. The altercation occurred in a park after the African- American man approaced her requesting she follow park guidelines and put her dog on a leash. After several threats to the man, the woman made a hysterical to the police stating that "there was an African American man threatening her life."

In an interview, Christian Cooper said he came across Amy Cooper while bird-watching.  He started to record after she refused his request and began threatening him, almost strangling her dog in the process. 

"At some point, she decided, 'I'm gonna play the race card,' I guess," Christian Cooper told NBC New York.

The video shows Christian Cooper asking Amy Cooper not to come any closer before she called the police in the moments that followed.

America has a history of police brutality against African Americans, as seen with the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and more recently George Floyd who was suffocated in broad daylight. African Americans have also been lynched by white supremists as seen in the horrific video killing of Ahmaud Arbery.

Christian Cooper said: "We live in an age of Ahmaud Arbery where black men are gunned down because of assumptions people make about black men, black people, and I'm just not going to participate in that," he said, referring to a case in Georgia where a black man jogging through his neighborhood was pursued by two white men and shot to death. The men said they believed he was a burglar, and one opened fire in self-defense."


Amy Cooper's apology: "I sincerely and humbly apologize to everyone, especially to that man, his family. It was unacceptable and I humbly and fully apologize to everyone who’s seen that video, everyone that’s been offended…everyone who thinks of me in a lower light and I understand why they do.

When I think about the police, I’m such a blessed person. I’ve come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency, and unfortunately, this has caused me to realize that there are so many people in this country that don’t have that luxury."

Amy Cooper has since been put on an administrative leave following the event. 


Several similar events have been captured on video. A woman nicknamed "Barbeque Betty was featured calling the police on a gathering of African American's having a barbeque in the park. "Permit Patty" also appeared to call the police on a young African American girl selling bottles of water. Though list of viral videos featuring these racial undertones is alarming, it is good that these prejudices are exposed for some semblence of justice to be served, rather than being swept under the rug.  

Amy Copper, Christian Cooper video below. 

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