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Politics (African)1 posts

Osinbajo's Aids Dismissed By Buhari

Thirty five aides of Nigerian Vice President Osinbajo are said to have been sacked by President Buhari. 

Osinbajo is said to have employed more aides than Buhari, with some appointed in 2017 while Buhari spent a 130 non-consecutive days in England. Prior to the dismissals, Osinbajo was said to have employed 53 aids while Buhari had 25. Osinbajo is also said to have had more aides whose appointments were never made public; as they were not paid from with government funds.

There is rumored to be tension between Buhari and Osinbajo as Buhari failed to transfer presidential power to Osinbajo before his recent travels. These dismissals are also said to be a ploy to dilute Osinbajo's power ahead of upcoming 2023 elections. 

A presidential source stated: “It is true that many of VP’s aides were given termination letters last night. However, I cannot confirm the exact number because it was not done in public. But you know it is political."

“Some of those dismissed are those who have been made redundant since the VP’s duties have been reduced and some of the social investment programmes have been put under other ministries.”

What do you think was Buhari's motive behind these dismissals?


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