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Politics (African)1 posts

Buhari Vows to Combat Climate change at UN Summit

On Monday, President Muhamadu Buhari, in an address to the United Nations Climate Action Summit announced plans for Nigeria to aid in the effort to curb climate change. It was stated that Buhari's administration and the Federal Government "will mobilise Nigerian youths towards planting 25 million trees to enhance Nigeria’s carbon sink."

President Muhammadu at the UN Climate Change Summit of 74th UNGA in New York on Monday. IG photo/Buhari Sallau


The theme of the ecological summit was “A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win” and according to a Femi Adesina, a presidential representative, Buhari also disclosed that other plans to reverse the effects of climate currently underway.

Adesina said Buhari shared the sentiment expressed by the UN Secretary-General that the world was on the verge of climate catastrophe, noting that “undeniably, Climate Change is a human-induced phenomenon.”

Buhari said, “It is in this regard that I wish to reiterate Nigeria’s commitment to its obligation under the Paris Agreement, the aspirations enshrined in our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and ensure a resilient future that mainstreams climate risks in our decision making.

“I want to announce that the Government of Nigeria will develop a more robust sectorial action plan, and expand the scope of our Sovereign Green Bonds in line with our intended upward review of Nigeria’s NDC’s towards the inclusion of the water and waste sectors by 2020,” he said.

The president also said the country would issue a Green Bond for irrigation and construct multi-purpose dams for power, irrigation and water supply.

“We will strengthen solid and liquid waste management systems to attract more private sector investors.

“We will take concrete steps to harness climate innovative ideas by including youths in decision making processes as part of our over-all climate governance architecture.

President Buhari has also apparently embarked on diversification of Nigeria's energy sources from dependence on gas-powered system to hydro, solar, wind, biomass and nuclear sources.

The president said the country was progressively working to realize 30 percent energy efficiency and renewable energy mix by 2030, saying this is envisaged to lead to 179 million tons of carbon dioxide reduction per annum by 2030.

“In addition, our Administration intends to develop a shelter belt across 11 States of the Federation spanning a distance of 1,500 km and 15km across through the Great Green Wall initiative.

“Furthermore, the Federal Government has commenced the implementation of the Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Programme in Ogoniland, to recover the carbon sink potential of the mangrove ecosystem of the one thousand square kilometers (1,000 KM2) polluted site in the affected area.

“I should also inform the summit that our Government has introduced Climate Smart Agricultural Practices to unlock Seventy-Four (74) Million tons of carbon dioxide per annum, through relevant technologies, advocacy and best practices,” he added.

President Buhari also noted that the Lake Chad Basin, which used to be a region of productivity, food security and wealth for an estimated 40 million citizens living around the Chad Basin, had shrunk significantly from its original size due to Climate Change.

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