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Politics (African)1 posts

Aisha Buhari demands Garba Shehu’s resignation

On Wednesday Aisha Buhari Nigeria’s First Lady, called for the resignation of Mallam Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity.

Mrs. Buhari issued a statement in which she accused Shehu of meddling in her family's affairs among other accusations.

She wrote: “In saner climes, Garba Shehu would have resigned immediately after going beyond his boundaries and powers.” 

Mrs. Buhari further claimed Shehu had “shifted his loyalty from the president to others who have no stake in the compact that the president signed with Nigerians on May 29, 2015 and 2019”.

She further accused Shehu being instructed by Mamman Daura,  the President's cousin, to declar there would not be the Office of the First Lady, a development she said embarrassed her husband.

Shehu was also accused of releasing the viral video in which she had a heated exchange with the Daura family and added that his allegiance was to no one. 

In light of these accusations, the Nigerian public is divided in their support of Aisha Buhari, with some stating her affairs should not be aired to the public as is a proponent of the Social Media Regulation Bill.


Do you think Aisha Buhari needs some intervention?

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