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Health & Medical1 posts

Gastroenteritis outbreak hits Lagos

An intestinal disease known as gastroenteritis has spread through Lagos infecting 117 people according to Commissioner for Health, Dr. Akin Abayomi, though the figure could be higher due to unreported cases. Out of the 117 reported cases, 107 are said to have been treated and discharged. 

Gastroenteritis is a bacterial or viral infection causing the inflammation of the stomach and intestines.  Its symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, weakness and abdominal pain. 

Dr Abayomi stated: Patients with gastroenteritis come down with severe acute watery diarrhea and profuse vomiting. Those infected with micro-organisms causing the disease show signs and symptoms within 12 hours to one week after ingesting contaminated food or water. The disease affects both children and adults and can kill within hours if untreated,” 

In addition, consuming uncooked seafood, unwashed fruits and vegetables or shellfish from estuarine waters, can also leave you prone to gastroenteritis infection. Washing dishes and utensils and cooking with contaminated water also leads to this disease. 

The micro-organisms that cause gastroenteritis are the same ones that cause typhoid fever, cholera and certain viral diseases.


The recent rains and floods which are carry germ-filled waste are said to have contributed significantly to this epidemic. Swimming or walking through flooded areas leaves individuals open to this disease and others. 


Residents trudge in flood water in Lagos (Illustrative. Punch)



The health commissioner also stated that “following the report of these cases, Rapid Response Teams at the affected LGAs led by the Medical Officers of Health were activated, stool specimen were collected for laboratory test to confirm the micro-organism causing the vomiting and diarrhea while surveillance have also been scaled up in communities within the affected LGAs to stop the spread of the infection. 

“The results of laboratory tests will be published once the source pathogen is identified.”


Some of the worst hit areas are Lagos Island, Ajeromi, Apapa, Mushin and Ikeja.

The Lagos state government is also sensitizing members of the public about the disease, while harping on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.

Abayomi advises that you wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating; cook food thoroughly; dispose waste material properly, avoid open and indiscriminate defecation and keep water containers clean. 


“Citizens must ensure proper disposal of waste and ensure they avoid possible backflow connection between water and sewer system. 

“It is important that citizens wash hands with soap and running water thoroughly especially after defecation, before eating or food preparation and when they have been in contact with a sick person or touch any item or surface that may have been contaminated”, Abayomi says.


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