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Food & Dining1 posts

How to prepare Nigerian beans and yam porridge

Beans and Yam Porridge




3 cups earthy colored/dark looked at beans (picked and absorbed water for specific hours)


Lumps of sweet potato


1.5 cooking spoons of red palm oil


Two medium onions


Dry or new Pepper (mixed)


Salt (to taste)


One significant stock 3D square


Cooking time


50 minutes


Formula class


Principle dinner


Formula cooking




Cooking strategy




Formula Yield


Four servings




Add water to around two creeps over the beans, cut onions, and permit to bubble till the beans are halfway delicate. Add water to cook till mild as needed.


When the beans are delicate, add the sweet potato's lumps and permit to cook for 10 minutes.


In another more modest pot, pour the red oil and add onions. Saute briefly and add pepper, salt, and stock 3D squares. Fry for an additional 3 minutes and put in a safe spot. This gives your porridge a unique taste.


Add the palm oil sauce into the sweet potato and beans pot.


Permit to cook till the sweet potato is delicate and any overabundance of water is dried.


Your sweet potato and beans porridge is prepared! Serve warm.


Click here to read more Nigerian articles.

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