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Celebrity, Fashion & Lifestyle1 posts
Wole Soyika Opens up about Prostate Cancer Battle
Nigerian Nobel Laureate and renowed dramatist Wole Soyinka opens up about his battle with prostate cancer.
In an interview with BBC, 85 year old Soyinka revealed he was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer in 2014 while on a routine check up. He metioned being treated with an advanced technology known as ‘proton therapy," describing the treatment as an ‘easy ride although uncomfortable."
Expaning further, he said “It hadn’t yet gotten to the stage where it was non-reversible and so (the doctor) gave us a number of guidelines. I say us because he wanted to make sure that my wife made sure that I followed it. He sensed that I wasn’t going to be a very good patient. So he spoke to her most of the time rather than me,”
”There is no disease in the world any human being needs to be ashamed. I don’t see why people need to go to Canada, Europe to receive treatment which is affordable in this nation, it is a shame."
”The options I compared to other treatment I know about and I have seen in operation. Mine for me was an easy ride, uncomfortable in many ways but it is painless.”
Five years later, Prof Soyinka is in good health after a successful treatment stating that he spends a lot of time outdoors and is conscious of his health.
He was interviewed by BBC Life Clinic's Charles Mgbolu who met him at his village in Ogun state in south-west Nigeria.
Soyinka makes a point about the unnecessay practice of Nigerians traveling abroad for medical trearment, do you agree?