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Celebrity, Fashion & Lifestyle1 posts

Nollywood Actress Kate Henshaw Turns 50 (Pictures)

Acclaimed Nigreian actress Kate Henshaw celebrated her golden jubilee, turning 50 today, on 19th July 2021.  She joined the Nollywood scene in 1993 and has since starred in over 50 movies.

She posted some celebratory photos and captioned: “Never would have made it this far without the King of Kings…

“The laughter and joy in my life testifies of His goodness and mercy over me….. I am highly favoured!! This I know.

“Who am I that thou art mindful of me?? My glory and the lifter up of my head.

“Not that I am perfect O Lord but that you favoured me and the enemy did not triumph over me…. Alleluia.”


What is your favorite Kate Henshaw movie?

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